I have been scolded by friends, family and my husband for not bloging in so long. We've had a great summer and now we are finishing up our first nine weeks of school. Report card day was yesterday and were doing great. Not sure I like this 1 2 3 grading system. I was told by a teacher that it helps the teachers know exactly where your child stands and what they need to work on. Well, to me the numerical grade told me if they were a high or a low A,B,C, etc. Thank goodness Abby is in 5th and they still have the numerical grade. Although, she is the one I really haven't had to worry about. (Please let it stay this way Lord!!!!!) Blake on the other hand, has a really good teacher and I trust she is looking out for him and she keeps me up to date with his progress . So, I guess this 1 2 3 deal will work for now. I do understand it is taking the teachers some time to get used to it too. So I am not alone.
We have been finishing up some long overdue remodeling/updating around the house. Almost finished with the MB. WEW! But so much left to do. I love it and I hate it. I love the picking out of everything and seeing the finished product, but I hate the cost and the time I am locked down to wait for things to happen.
Master Bedroom 90%
Master Bath 90%
Kitchen 60%
Second Bath 75%
Bedroom 1 80%
Bedroom 2 95%
Dinning / Craft 75%
Den 100%
Utility Room 90%
Hardwood Floors 90%
Back Porch 30% Looking for some flea market shelves and a new swing.
Backyard 50% Hopeless case! I need the HGTV backyard redo to visit me. They may look at it and run. Hal and I worked all day tearing out shrubs and bushes and it is looking good, but so far from ready.
Garage 50% This is the drop off point for everything to get rid of. I really don't think with 3 kids that this place will ever be the way I want it. We have 3 of everthing cramed in a small 2 car garage. 3 scooters, 3 bikes, 3 helmets,etc. Four whole shelves full of pool floats, boogie boards (we now have 5 cause we forget ours and have to buy more each year) beach chairs, etc. 3 beds, computer armoire, antique dresser, shall I go on or do you get the picture? No place for cars that is for sure.
Now you can see the list of things I have to complete before ...........I make new ones. hehe:)
Oh yeah, one more...
Disney Trip Savings 50% Can't wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We are just hanging out enjoying some fall ball. Both the kids and the awesome Tide. Never really enjoyed football like I have this year. I have been begging Hal to get tickets to the game, but hasn't worked yet. I want to sit close for one game and really feel the spirit of the game with all the fans yelling and screaming. I sat beside the sweetest little ladies the last game and you should have seen them. Head to toe bama attire. Not todays bama attire. Please let me explain. There were beehives, pearls, black stockings, polyester houndstooth pants, lovely smelling perfume and all of their shakers and pom poms they had been collecting for years. Very sweet!!!! Now, I want the totally opposite experience. We will see...........
Oh my heavens you are back! I was starting to think you fell off the planet :) Now I need to update my own blog!!
So glad you are back! I just did a Fall Swap and I learned so much about making up cute swap packages from how cute the one you sent me was. I thought of you several times when I put it all together!
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