About four months ago, while potty training, we tried to put underwear on Grant and no luck. He peed in his pants everytime. Since then I put him in pull ups and we have been working on it again. He does very well at school and does #2 in the potty at home always. But the other day while playing his Nintendo DS he did not take the time out to use the bathroom. He was too busy! So, I took the DS away and told him if he wasn't big enough to go to the potty, he wasn't big enough to play a DS. Everything got quiet so I went looking for him..... Calling his name..... No answer. I knew he was in the livingroom last so I looked behind the couch and guess who I found?

He said "I not playing my DS." I don't think I am getting through, do you? He had the volume turned all the way down so I couldn't here him playing. Help!!!!!!!!!!! This is the same child that after I told him to go to bed because he had school (mothers morning out preschool) he proceeds to tell me "I not going to school, I sick." He is too smart for his own britches. HaHa!
He's 3 1/2 and can identify all his #'s and letter's. I am being played! Look at that face! Guilty,I am wrapped! He is too much like his Daddy!!!!
Enough for today,
1 comment:
hehe, little stinker!!
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