Tuesday night we had a PTA meeting to honor the Reflections Art Program winners and the Spelling B winners. Abby won third place in literature with the title " Beauty Is". Of course when she came home and told me she was entering I thought OK I guess I will have to help her write this paper. She said NO that her teacher wanted all of them to submit this paper written by only them and from their eyes. After she was done and I read through and almost cried. Her "Beauty Is" paper was about reading. She went on to say that when she reads that she feels like she is in the book and living it. Are you kidding me? 4th grade? In first grade the teacher came to me two months before the end of the year and told me she was behind. WHAT? I was room mother and why couldn't she tell me that the 100 times I had already been in there throughout the year. Got pictures to prove it. After a few days of pure p'd off, I said oh well we can't turn back time. The next two years she struggled in reading, but she was a trooper, and she had two awesome teachers that encouraged her the whole way. Now in forth grade she is doing very well and loves reading. The Lord does answer prayers. I think I prayed everyday for the Lord to help her with her reading.

She doesn't look so happy. (in the burgandy dress) She does not like to be in front of a crowd. Just like her mom. I promise she was so happy.
First and second grade came in as guest singers for the night. They were so good. Each grade sang a song and danced to another song. They danced to the doe-see-doe. I know I spelled it wrong.
Here is Blake playing the bells.

One last picture of my sick little man that could not make it. He was pitiful. I noticed right before we left that his cheeks were bright red. Well for him that is a giveaway that something is wrong. After a trip to the doctor, we now know that he has an ear infection and nasal congestion.
My poor baby.
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