Friday, November 19, 2010


I took the kids to Toys R Us so we could make their list for Santa. A huge sucess for the boys!!! Not so much for Abby. She is 10 yrs old and she is at that stage. BOOOOOOO!!!!!!!  

 She did find a water container to put in her room "so she didn't have to get up to get some water". WHAT? Not gonna have lazy kids around here.
 And some Zoobles. I have to admit, your never too old for ZOOBLES. I want 1 of each.
 Please Santa no drums in this house.
 How much is that?????????? NOT!!!!!

 "Please Santa, I can have a Criss Cross Crash"?
 He even put his initials by it. How sweet.

Now you can see what we've been up to. FUN!!!

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